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  • Awards Profiles - 2022 winner - Kawajit Kaur

Kawajit Kaur

2022 TASITE Digital Technologies Educators of the Year

Kawajit is an outstanding Digital Technologies educator who has made significant contributions to the STEM program at St Helens District High School in Tasmania's East Coast. As the Specialist Digital Technologies Teacher, she has developed and implemented innovative and contemporary practices, which have had a positive impact on student learning outcomes across several learning areas.

Kawajit's expertise and commitment to extending students in STEM were recognised when she was invited to share her knowledge at the 2021 Department of Education's inaugural STEM: Driving Future Innovation Conference, as well as in 2022 and 2023. She was also invited to be part of the Snapshot Project, writing resources to assist teachers in integrating Digital Technologies into their classrooms. Kawajit mentors early career Digital Technologies teachers across the state, and has shared her detailed and comprehensive teaching programs with teachers within her school and cluster of schools. She has also been invited to present at national STEM Conferences, including presenting workshops at both the Melbourne and Brisbane Education Summit Conferences in 2022.

In December 2021, Kawajit started STEMforGirls Club for the Break O'Day Community. The Club provides accessible education in STEM, particularly in coding and programming, to all girls in the Break O'Day community aged between 8 and 16 years. With the help of fellow teacher volunteers and industry professionals, Kawajit runs fortnightly 2-hour sessions on Saturdays for around 30 girls.

Kawajit's passion for authentic curriculum delivery and her belief that 21st-century skills are integral to student learning drives her teaching and design of her Digital Technologies programs at St Helens District School. She uses Digital Technologies tools to extend and enhance young children's minds, natural curiosity, and understanding of content taught in other subjects

Kawajit's strategic initiative to build and lead a Minecraft community has positively impacted student learning outcomes across several learning areas and is now a high-profile signature program across St Helens District High School. She runs several Minecraft programs across the school, including Minecraft in Digital Technologies lessons for all primary classes, Minecraft lunchtime for students available to all students in the school, as well as supporting her colleagues.

Kawajit's dedication to providing authentic, real-world Digital Technologies experiences that engage students through enrichment opportunities and connections with academic, industry, and community STEM professionals has allowed her to build community partnerships and advocacy for Digital Technologies. Her students are inspired and motivated to apply and demonstrate their knowledge and skills by participating in Digital Technologies projects and competitions.

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