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Tasmanian Society for Information Technology in Education

TASITE - 2025!

Welcome to an exciting year ahead for TASITE events, engagement and support in the Digital Technologies, ICT in schools and STEM education in our wonderful state of Tasmania.

The key event that TASITE is sponsoring and playing an important organisational role is 

EdCAT 2025 

April 10 - Wrest Point Casino

This will be the premier ICT/Technology education based Professional Learning for 2025 in Tasmania

Keynote speaker Adam Spencer will headline informative, practical and relevant presentations across many facets of ICT in schools today.

Checkout the dedicated EdCAT 2025 webpage, which includes the registration link. 

(Registration for Teachers is only $72 - which is likely to come with significant membership benefits (tbc))

Chris Bracken,

TASITE President (

TASITE is a Tasmanian association for teachers and allied professionals improving student learning outcomes with, through and about digital technologies.  

Our membership ranges in disciplines across the curriculum, from Early Childhood to the Tertiary sector, and includes librarians, technical and other support personnel.

If you have a passion for Digital Technologies in Education, TASITE is here in support.

Upcoming events

  • 10 Apr 2025 8:30 AM (AEST)
    Wrest Point Casino, Hobart

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*e-Mail (primary)

Australian Educational Computing Journal

AEC was the refereed national journal of the Australian Council for Computers in Education. Access past issues.

Educational Computing Journal

           Issue Vol 35 (No 1) 2020


Partner Events

"The role of the teacher is to create the conditions for invention, rather than provide ready-made knowledge"

Seymour Papert


  Network with Tasmanian Educators

  Reduced Fees for PD Events 

  Access to TASITE annual awards

  Access to Educational Resources 

  ACCE Conference discounts



Social Media

Digital Technologies SUPPORT


TASITE can help you get started with your Digital Technologies Curriculum in both Primary and Secondary Schools.

Copyright Tasmanian Society for Information Technology in Education (TASITE) 2003-2022


TASITE is a non-profit organisation established in 1991.

ABN: 64 687 980 282

C/- ACS - Tasmania Branch
Level 5/24 Davey St, Hobart
Hobart, TAS 7000.

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